Donor: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Duration: The Croatian Law Center has been continuously acting as an implementing partner of UNHCR in the Republic of Croatia since 2003. The current project is being implemented from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
The aim of the Project is to ensure access to the basic rights of forcibly displaced persons – potential applicants for international protection, applicants for international protection, persons granted international protection and foreigners under temporary protection, as well as strengthening the capacity of national bodies related to the application of relevant international, European and national regulations in the field of asylum, migration and human rights protection.
- provision of initial legal information about the system of international protection to potential applicants for international protection;
- provision of legal information and advice to applicants for international protection, persons granted international protection and foreigners under temporary protection;
- provision of legal information ad legal assistance to persons granted international protection in relation to the right to family reunification;
- education of police officers of the border police in relation to the protection of human rights and access to the asylum system;
- strengthening the capacity of administrative court judges on selected topics in the area of the right to asylum;
- training of students of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb and the Police Academy;
- strengthening cooperation and better networking of civil society organizations and other system stakeholders, primarily through regular meetings of the Asylum Coordination;
- work of a Forum for discussion on the development of the asylum and migration system;
- preparation and drafting of reports on the asylum system in the Republic of Croatia and access to the territory and the asylum system;
- marking the World Refugee Day.